Monday, August 16, 2010

We will begin with Little Man(technically I don't think is so little anymore lmao), he had his very first day of 5th grade today and to quote him, "Ahhh it was awesome" It makes me so super happy that he had such a great first day. Starting a new school is always scary and he was very nervous when we got ready to head out to leave. You can kinda sense it in this picture! Speaking of this picture, it is so hard to believe that 4 years ago we were talking his picture by this tree on his first day of Kindergarten and now, quite a few feet taller(the tree and the boy), we keep this yearly tradition going!!
Next was Little Misses turn for school. While she only goes for a few hours, she was still so so very excited to start this new back to school fun'ness as she calls it. We also decided to start her 1st day of school tree picture with her as well. Though we don't plan on being here for the remainder of their school years, it will still be neat to look back on in the future!
Little Miss had a great great day as well, to quote her," I had the best day I ever had, I love my new school"! Since it's just been me and her the past 4 years at home, I was a little worried about the transition for her. Transition, pshhhhh she did great, she practically ran to go and play with her new little friends, it made me smile and a little sad at the same time! Our kiddos are growing up so fast for reals!!

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