Thursday, April 1, 2010

April is here already, how crazy is that? As I was editing some pictures today Little Miss came up and asked if she could take a few pictures of her toys. I have to admit I kind of hesitated for a bit, I mean while I love she is taking an interest, a whole bunch of what if's went through my mind. Though after the words, "Pretty please Mommy", I couldn't resist and we went outside. It was seriously the cutest thing ever, she had her Littlest Pet Shops(well a some lol) all lined up on the steps and she said they were ready for their shoot lol! I adjusted the settings, showed her what to do and she went to town. The whole time with me holding my breath and praying that she wouldn't drop my camera. When all was said and done and we looked at the shots, my mouth dropped. Not that I doubt my princess, but I was expecting blurry kiddie shots and oh my gosh they were so not that! Totally made me a proud mommy!! She was very excited for the fact of she did it all by herself, so today's photo is not mine but one taken by my 4 year old future photographer lol

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