Saturday, March 13, 2010

Today my little princess is 4 years old! OMG seriously?! Where does the time go for reals. I know I say this each year with both kiddos, but 4 wow that is a big age for me. I know it will be way worse next year when she turns 5, I can already see it lol lol! It's just hard to believe that 4 years ago today we brought home our precious little girl and now she is a walking, talking little diva princess lol! We are not having her party this weekend, but she had said she wanted two things for her special day. #1 was that she wanted Taco Bell for her birthday dinner, "two cheesy roll ups" to be exact lol and #2 was pink cupcake pops(which we are actually going to make tomorrow) so she got both of her wishes. Not only that but she went to her first movie today as well. She wanted to see the new Alvin & the Chipmunks so we took her to that! All and all she had a pretty stellar 4th birthday, Happy Birthday my special princess, may you have the best year!! Mommy, Daddy and Brother love you so!!

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